Full Paper Submission

Full Paper Submission
  • Authors whose abstract has been accepted are encouraged to prepare and submit their full papers to the on-line submission system.
  • All presenting authors MUST pre-register and pay registration fees by 4 April 2025. in order that their presentations and full papers be retained in the final program and proceedings. Submission via email is NOT allowed.

If you have any difficulty in submitting your full paper and need more information on the full paper submission, please contact the KSRS secretariat (ksrs@ksrs.or.kr).

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Full Paper Submission
Regarding full paper submission, you can choose one among three options according to your preference.
  • Option 1: Please prepare your full paper using the full paper template and submit it to the online submission page by the deadline. You must upload two soft-copy files including an MS Word file and a print-ready pdf file. The full paper submitted will be included in the ISRS2025 proceedings.
  • Option 2: In case that you don’t want to submit your full paper due to many reasons, you can submit either the abstract already submitted or an extended abstract. Please prepare one-page abstract (one column) using the full paper template and submit it to the online submission page by the deadline. If you want, you can include Acknowledgements. Like Option 1, two soft-copy files including an MS Word file and a print-ready pdf file are also required for online submission. This edited abstract will be included into the ISRS2025 proceedings. If you don’t submit the edited abstract online, we will consider you withdraw the presentation at ISRS2025.
  • Option 3: In case that you don’t want either your full paper or one-page abstract to be included in the proceedings, you can still make a presentation at ISRS2025, provided that you pre-register and pay registration fees by the deadline. Your presentation will be included only in the ISRS2025 program booklet. If you don’t pre-register by the deadline, your presentation will be excluded in the final program.
  • Student Paper Competition: If you applied for the Student Paper Competition, you MUST submit your full paper (not one-page abstract: only Option 1 is allowed) by the deadline (4 April 2025).
Full Paper Preparation Guidelines
  • All submitted papers must be original contributions that neither have been submitted to any other conference or journal, nor will be submitted to any other conference or journal.
  • Your paper must be written in English, carefully checked for correct grammar and spelling.
  • Maximum length is limited to four pages for a paper without incurring extra page charges. Each extra page will be charged US$25.
  • Manuscripts should be single-spaced with a 1.5 space between paragraphs and a five-space paragraph indentation. Allow an extra half space above a line containing superscripts and below a line containing subscripts.
  • Papers must be submitted in two soft-copy files: one print-ready file in PDF format and one editable file in MS Word format (MS Word 6.0 for Windows or higher version). A PDF file as well of a MS Word formatted manuscripts is necessary since formatting is often destroyed in different computer environments.
  • The paper should include: title, author’s name(s), affiliation(s), present address and email address, abstract, main text, and references.
  • All figures and tables should be included in the text. Diagrams and photographs must be of high quality.
Page Layout Guidelines
The format of your full paper must follow the Page Layout Guidelines:
  • Font type: Times New Roman
  • Page size: A4 size (210 X 297mm)
  • Margins: top and bottom margins = 2.5cm, left and right margin = 2cm
  • Column with in 8.2cm with a 0.6cm space between the two columns
  • Manuscript title: 16 point type size upper case bold centered over two columns of body copy
  • Author information: 12 point type size upper case for name, 10 point type size upper and lower case for address centered.
  • Sub-headings: 11 point type size upper case bold or bold italic aligned with left margin
  • Body copy: 10 point type size upper and lower case aligned with left margin
  • Table captions: 10 point type size upper and lower case above tables
  • Figure captions: 10 point type size upper and lowercase under figures
Reference Guidelines
References should be indicated in the text by author’s surname(s) and year in parentheses. References should also be listed in the alphabetical order of author’s name.
  • Paper: author, year, title, journal (in italics), volume(issue number): pages.
  • Example: T.C. Hsia, 1994, Simple robust schemes for space control of robot manipulators, Int.J. of Robotics and Automation, 9(4): 167-174.
  • Books: author, year, title (in italics), location of publisher, publisher.
  • Example: M. Kayston and W.R. Fried, 1969, Avionic Navigation Systems, New York, John Wiley and Sons Inc.